Saturday, February 23, 2008


(this was sent to Rose's daughter Bernie in regards to Rose's book "Dance Beyond the Shadows")

I finished the book. I really enjoyed it, and being a survivor, like your Mom, understand what she was feeling throughout her youth. We may have different stories, though the feelings are the same, abandonment and betrayal. It was written differently than any I had read, in the third person, though once I get used to the writing style, I could immerse myself right into her story. Tell her thanks so much, as she is right, we are not alone, like we felt we were when we were children. We felt so alone then. You can even pass this email right to her, if you wish.

Thanks, Rosemary. Tell your Mom, I'm passing the other book onto my therapist, as I think she'll be interested in your Mom’s perspective. She deals with us adults daily, and the aftermath the abuse leaves. Once again, Thanks to your Mom, and to you, Bernie, for helping me get another perspective and letting me know there are others. You have a great Mom, who has great fortitude. Bet you inherited that!


Rita has been an LPN for years and also struggles daily from similar beginnings as the author